The composition noise level 13.02.2011 is based on fieldrecordings at 7:53 pm on February 13th, 2011 at Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance. The site-specific recording was done on the shore below the promenade, the town to the rear and the watersurface to the front, a dark space with singel reflections of light and vanishing sounds.
The related setting of the installation at Kunstverein Friedrichshafen shows five loudspeakers on tripods with different hights and directions, which relate to the dimensions of the space. The multi channel composition mixes the recorded sounds with white noise filtered from the noises from the waterside. The spacious volominous setting of noise influences listening perception in concerns of behaviour and conversation.
Single sounds disturb and move by multichannel diffusion. It includes rhythmically the sound of dropping a plastic spoon every 90 seconds. The soft and unspectacular sound relates to the phenomenom of eating icecream at the promenade by masses of tourists.
Text (german): Johannes Meinhardt und Kristof Georgen - Akustische und visuelle Verfahrensweisen - Ein Gespräch, Oktober 2012.
DJ des alltäglichen Klangraums
Text (german) by Harald Ruppert, published in Südkurier, 21.05.11